Marvel Super Hero Squad Online was a massively multiplayer online game for younger audiences based on the Marvel Super Hero Squad, developed by American studio Gazillion. The open beta version of the game was released on April 29, 2011 (although a closed beta was released in early 2011). It was a free-to-play game that supported both microtransactions of its in-game currency and a monthly subscription.
Players collected heroes to form their own Squad. They were able to choose a hero from their Squad to play in a number of games and activities. As they played, the heroes increased not only their power in combat, but unlocked animated emotes for use in the social game world zones.
Marvel Super Hero Squad Online was the first MMO game developed in Gazillion's and Marvel's 10-year exclusive game publishing agreement. The second was Marvel Heroes.
On October 11, 2016, it was revealed that Super Hero Squad Online will be shutting down in January 2017. On January 11, 2017, Super Hero Squad Online was shut down.